Need to get sober and been dating an alcoholic! Need

Need to get sober and been dating an alcoholic! Need to to get out

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Hi Mike :slight_smile:
What’s stopping you?

How can we help

Get out. I know some are comfortable with the idea of dating non sober folks. Making the choice not to was one of the best choices for me. I once dated someone who drank; and that was my most miserable relationship.

Run don’t walk to a NA. Meeting sit down in front wave your hands in the air like you just don’t care and tell them you help more than older people need comfortable shoes

And they will become just like family they will love you until you can love yourself

Prioritize your health and wellness and don't look back

Actually you should put dating aside and focus on your recovery. A good sponsor will tell you this. For me, this was a rule with my sponsees.