Need help ASAP- feeling low motivation to continue recovery. Very

Need help ASAP- feeling low motivation to continue recovery. Very difficult feelings

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Steps ,start again step one, honest be honest you are powerless over alcohol, Disfunction and disarray,
Unmanageable, turn it over it can work for you.. shortcomings will work against you but there is one who has all power, start at step one...

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are u ok today?

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Thinking of you today … please let us know how you are doing when you can


I hope you are still in the fight. Tough days are called tough for a reason. They aren't impossible. They aren't undefeatable. The just require the effort. I know I don't always feel like stepping into the ring, but I remind myself of the prize

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Please keep asking for help.90&90 I will keep eye on you

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Thank you so much. My BOC is porn and its such a hard addiction to kick. I’m not relapsing but close to slipping

Doing better although brainfoggy- any suggestions? Thank you for asking

Thank you for asking- feeling better although brain foggy

i am glad. just 24 hrs at a time is what i do

Ask around for meeting for that.may have some in that day at a time.24hours

Have you looked into outpatient rehab? It’s been so helpful. Getting a shot of Vivitrol today to combat cravings. If I didn’t have my group sessions, I’d be a mess.

One day at a time, yea!
But sometimes it’s going to be an hour at a time, sometimes minutes, etc!

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