Help I am fiending like a mf.
Hey Keith! how are you feeling today?
What are you trying to accomplish with this post?
I relapsed, so I guess just disregard my previous post. I lost that battle. I need support or help.
is there anything you think you could do to turn this around? Have you considered treatment options? have you tried working a 12 step program? Are there SMART meetings in your area? There’s a lot of avenues to find support - depending on what you’re into
A relapse isn't the end of the journey. You get back up and begin again. Every slip is a learning opportunity to find out what doesn't work. You can do this bro.
Just get through the rest of today do a zoom meeting
Like tired of life.
Wish I was dead
Support from relapse
I went to 2 AA meetings but haven't worked any of the steps. I feel like there's no way out. I just stay in bed hoping to not wake up but i always do.
Bro the only way out of a dark tunnel is forward you can do it.
That makes sense to me! Thank you. It's a very long tunnel.
Right, so try it out! Try the steps they worked for me I know I sound preachy but it wouldn’t hurt - you’re at a really low point, are you at least willing to do what you can to MAYBE have a bette experience ?
Yes but I need a sponsor.
Yes you do but you have to go to a meeting to find one! do you know how to find meetings in your area?
Nice thing about a tunnel is it does have an end
Yes I went to 2 so far. Just too scared to ask a stranger to be my sponsor