Need healthy food inspiration! Anyone have suggestions?

Need healthy food inspiration! Anyone have suggestions?


I love sautéed brussel sprouts.

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Following to help myself and my mom as well

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I like to fry spect or pancetta with onion and garlic the sautee my sprouts in that.

Stir fried veggies.

I have been dabbling with mostly plant based and trying to kill the sugar addiction that quickly replaced my drinking.

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Vegetarian spicy bean burritos

Sushi is my go to!

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Do you like salmon? Try exploring some fish meals.. some are better than others. If you have cholesterol issues stay away from shell fish.

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This is a good idea … I unfortunately go for the really unhealthy ones lolll but there are tons of healthy sushi meals! :drooling_face:

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The recipes in the Thug Kitchen cookbook are pretty good.

Yum :yum:

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Healthiest thing i ever did was quit eating American food. We fry so much and have promotions so out of wack.

Quinoa has a lot of protein, I use quinoa a lot in my meal prepping.

Make your own protein bowls. Salmon, Mahi tuna, avocado, cilantro, red onions, olives, sundried tomatoes with garlic, almond flakes, and a sprinkle of chedder cheese. Add half cup of quiona if you want some healthy carbs/fiber. Play around with veggies, herbs, and fruits for different flavor combinations. Switch up your proteins to chicken, beef, pork, or tofu. I eat a huge protein bowl every day with two different fish. I love it! 70 pounds down and counting and the clean eating really helps my sobriety.


Yummy. I may do that for dinner tonight.

Love this thread! I’m mostly plant-based and getting a subscription to Purple Carrot has opened up a whole new world to healthy eating and cooking (at least for dinner)! My go-to breakfast healthy meal is overnight oats with almond milk + berries + protein powder :yum::yum::yum:

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Here is a good quick one.

Tofu and lettuce soup

1 quart vegetable broth

1 package extra firm tofu cubed

1 clove garlic

¼ cup green onion finely sliced

2 medium carrots sliced thin slices

1 head of Romain lettuce cut into bite side pieces

2 tbs oil

Soy sauce to taste

Fish sauce to taste

Heat the oil in a wok or pan add garlic. Once garlic is translucent add tofu and lightly brown.

Add the broth and bring to a simmer

Add carrots and some lettuce. (The amount of lettuce is up to the cook)

Finish with the green onion

Add soy and fish sauce as desired

Hey now. I do overnight oats with blueberries and peaches, with honey to finish it off. I use whole milk though. In any case, these oats are good.

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