Need and want to quit drinking

Need and want to quit drinking.


You can do it! This is a great place to get support. People here are very helpful and full of great ideas.

Thank you.

Highly recommend you seek treatment, it is hard to stop while in active alcoholism and we need help getting sober for the first month especially, not saying it’s impossible, but if it is something you truly need, something that made you post this as a cry for help, take the help. Whether it is out patient therapy or an in patient rehab find a program that will support you, A.A is also a possibility even although I recommend treatment while doing A.A, best of luck. If you need to talk message me at +1 (908) 692-5722

Thank you.

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Yea, I wouldn't be where I am today without going to treatment. It saved my life.

Hey there, Dustin! Drinking is a tough one! I know, I've been there! Good thing is that you sound as though you are ready to make the changes! If you want it, you can do it!

Thank you