Need advice

just got this app today. i feel lost and just want some help and reassurance from people who know what i’m going through.

What your feeling is normal, you are already making an effort to live a different life. I find it so clique but it’s just a real slow build however you want to do it one hour at a time a day at a time it doesn’t matter as long as you just keep building I felt overwhelmed at first cause it’s a small amount of time but before I knew it it was one day then 3 then a week then a month and so on I’m almost at 2000 days you can do it believe in yourself! I do!

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thanks so much! i was just having a hard time yesterday lol not sure why. congratulations to you and keep up your hard work!

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Hi, Allie. Welcome. We're glad you are here. I have found myself lost, too. Know that I can definitely relate. I often felt that I was banging my head against a wall. No where to go. I wasn't making progress. Just frustrated. Know this too shall pass. Hang in there.

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