Need advice on how to Handle rejection

Any words of wisdom will help. I have journaled, written a gratitude list, an accomplishment list and still I can’t wrap my head around WTF :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:. How did you get passed your character defects

Only God can erase all character defects! God gives us his son who paid with his blood to forgive us of our sins. You can improve on character defects, but not eliminate them. Humans are not and will not be defect free. At least not now.

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Rejection sucks. Look at it like this though. We search in life for people and things that fit with us like a missing puzzle piece. The fact that so.eone doesn't accept us does not mean that we are irreparably flawed, it simply means that we are not a piece of their puzzle and they are not a piece of ours. It hurts to have a piece missing, but trying to force a peice into the puzzle does damage to the puzzle and the peice. Keep the big picture in mind and always look for peices that fit that goal.

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I struggle with this one too. For me I know it’s a control thing. I remind myself to find the serenity to accept the things I cannot change.

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I just started the book “Unf*ck your boundaries”. Hot damn I’m a mess. And reading this I get the sense that everyone is, but addicts/alcoholics more so than most.

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