My wife told me I was better as a drunk!

That’s harsh. Hopefully you are undergoing some counseling.

I am

Basically what she is saying is try. As alcoholics we are more miserable not drinking. When we quit drinking and then don’t change our behaviors and get the tools we need to deal with life without alcohol.

You see if you take a drunken asshole and take away the alcohol and drugs all you have left is an asshole and until the thinking and the behavior of alcoholism is changed as well.

True sobriety is not the act of quitting the use of whatever substance your addicted to it is also removing the ISM, all the other behavior linked to your drinking.

That is rough. About eight months ago my girlfriend whom I was living with at the time began insinuating that she liked me better as user of methamphetamine and even said “you can use every once and a while.” Fortunately we weren’t married. The next week I starting sleeping in a stockroom at work and I’m still there to this day. Once I got the okay from my boss, I converted it into a really nice living space with a bed, dresser, music studio, drum set. Plus I’m never late to work.

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