My wife left a week ago

My wife left a week ago

I'm sorry Brandon.

How are you holding up?

Not good

It’s just one thing after another

What's going on?

I'm sorry to hear that. Do you have someone to talk to?


I feel so broken

I recommend getting someone to talk to. Hit up some AA meetings and try to find a counselor. For the time being if you need to chat I'm here for ya man.

Thank you I’m going to a meeting tonight at 7


Let me know how it goes Brandon.

If you need to vent I'm here to be a listening ear.

Hey Brandon reach out if you need to I know how you feel my wife left a month ago
We’re all here for you

Srry Brandon I also understand how this feels like just take heart

This has to be a turning point. Do you love alcohol more than your wife?

I know how you feel. Wife kicked me out month and half ago. It's fucking hard but that's why we are all here for each other

The meeting was good it felt good to be able to talk about stuff and I’m back at work today thanks for all of y’all’s support all I can do is put one foot in front of the other I’ve been sober 1 year 5 months

I’m sorry okay
Hope you find a better person