My wife is about to leave me My alcoholism is something

My wife is about to leave me
My alcoholism is something I can’t away from

It has cost me my marriage and my relationship with my daughter

Not to mention my career

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Yes you can by seeking and reaching for help, you just made the first step, most of us got to the point of losing everything and hit rock bottom. A rehab was my solution and the 12 steps. You have to accept the consequences and do some sacrifices, good luck. We are here to support you keep in touch . Between there is a list of places to go to check the help section of the site. You can do it :+1:

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You might consider some addiction counseling, and marriage counseling. You may yet salvage your life. Definitely do whatever you can to get sober, not just for them but for you. Hot as many meetings as you can, and if needed get into detox.

My drinking cost me my marriage and time with my son. Accept that you can't change what you've done, only who you are today and who you will become. The people we affect with our drinking have the right to their choices as well. The best thing you can do is respect that. You might never repair your marriage. I didn't. But the relationship with your child will improve if you stay healthy and sober. Be patient and commit to recovery. In six months my life has improved in ways I never even anticipated. Put you and your recovery first and the rest will follow.


Nathan, you deserve recovery and happiness. Spend some time getting sober, whether through a program, treatment, therapy, whatever works, and your life will turn around