My trigger of dating is approaching with all this beautiful

My trigger of dating sober is approaching with all this beautiful weather! I want men to think I'm normal in all ways INCLUDING drinking and so I have always struggled with drinking + men as I never had sexuality before I started drinking at 22. I need reminders that the right guy won't care!! Tell me your partner stories.

Casey, I'm on the same boat, or similar on at least. This is my story regarding dating... On top of just getting sober a few months ago, I also ended a 13 year long relationship. So on top of not dating for over 13 yrs, I've also never done it while maintaining sobriety. It's so common to have drinks while dating and many times during intimacy. It can be tough when we've habituated ourselves around the alcohol but it's definitely possible and even more normal than you think. Believe me, plenty of men will think you're normal because the drinking is not typically what men are thinking about. And if drinking comes up it can be as simple as letting them know you're on a health kick & you're determined to not break it. The right guy won't care! And also be ready to have patience & forgiveness if that guy doesn't understand immediately. They may temp & bother you about it but the right one(s) will eventually let u be. The other question is if u want to be around a guy that drinks a lot.
To end my long overdrawn story is that I have found women that simply don't drink too much, don't care that I don't, or that don't drink at all themselves.
Be strong, be patient, & you will rewire yourself to live a healthier dating life!