My sponsor didn’t pick up when I called

My sponsor didn’t pick up when I called around 10pm and it’s definitely too late for me to call anyone else. The temptations and cravings are the worst they’ve ever been and I’m 95 days sober...

It's best for you to talk to another woman but if you need to talk to someone or you're going to use I'm available. Even better would be hitting a zoom meeting and asking for one of the women at the group to talk with you, you'll definitely find someone.

Either way don't pick up no matter what. Cravings pass, they always do. Play the tape forward. Take some deep breaths. Go through your contacts list on your phone if you have to. Nothing is worth going back to the bottle.

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While I love my sponsor dearly, I have numbers and relationships with others in recovery. I call them much, much more than my sponsor actually. Everyone is human and has their own lives, issues, relationships, etc. I'd absolutely love it if my sponsor was on call for me 24/7, but it's not realistic. The others that I communicate with are known as a “support group.” I encourage you to build one of your own. They will save you from harm. I also have platonic relationships with women in recovery, because it pays to have different views sometimes. Thanks.


Sponsoring people isnt always easy.i mean u got ur shit going and they got there shit going on. My current sponsor was all about business and no personal stuff. I thought he was an asshole. But i get it and its not like that now. A sponsor is technically responsible for takeing u through the steps and thats it. Most the time people dont want hear anything anyway or they expect miracles and when that dosent happen who do u think gets blamed. Its a thankless job. But at 9yrs out thats my calling for the simple fact that if i dont give it away i dont get to keep it.

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Hi, Alexa. I'm sorry things were rough last night. Cravings are normal. As Matt said “don't pick up no matter what.”

How are you feeling today?

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Did you make it through the night? Sometimes I go to sleep at 10pm maybe they fell asleep! Definitely get some other women’s phone numbers in the next couple meetings you go to & share about this experience !

Hey Alexa are you doing ok today?

stick it with you got this !