My six months is tomorrow and I should be feeling

My six months is tomorrow and I should be feeling amazing but my husband and I got into an argument yesterday and he still won’t talk to me. I can’t believe he won’t work it out for something that means so much to me. I’m starting to think my sobriety is weighing on him and making him uncomfortable with his own drinking. I just don’t know what to do.


First off congratulations on your six months.Just keep doing what you’re doing he’ll come around. How does he feel about you not drinking anymore? Just maybe he’s upset because he lost his drinking buddy and partner.

Thank you. He’s told me he wants me to be sober but he’s tired of my sobriety and that he wasn’t ready for me to get sober.

See he’s upset because he lost his drinking partner and his Best friend because you’re sober now. Whatever you do don’t let that get to your head lose what you already built. I know it’s hard but it will get easier.

If you ever need somebody to talk to look me up I hope you the best I can

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Thank you

You are welcome

His issues with your sobriety are not your problem!!! He's tired of your sobriety?? :rofl::rofl: Wow... The stuff we say when we're sick :pensive: Keep pushing honey; TO THY OWN SELF BE TRUE :heart:


Thank you bekky

Ugh. My wife says she’s proud. Her actions of leaving me for another man during my sobriety proves otherwise. Still sober. She’s not. I will not let her have power over me anymore. Be strong Rai

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You should be very proud that you’re still sober. That’s a lot to go through. I will strive to be strong like you

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Three young daughters… they need me and my sobriety and vice versa. This is the way…

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Thank you. I am proud of you

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Keep coming back