My shit choices are beating medown

My shit choices are beating medown

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Usually happens when we get sober almost without falter. I try not to give advice but before I relapsed I had 9 years clean. When people would talk about how they had stopped and then their life went to shit I just told them it was normal and to think of it like this: how often when you were drinking or drugging did you really face the full consequences of your actions? Or did you drink and drug those away too? I know I did. So we racked up some bad karmic debt essentially. All those invoiced bad choices that never paid up gotta reconcile sometime. I find comfort in the faith that once it's done I'll be able to really live again.

Hold your head up, one day at a fuckin time. Merry Christmas!

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Pretty common in the life we lived. The amount of sleep I've lost thinking of the things I've done and the what ifs….

That's not a problem for my future self if I'm doing the right because I'm not doing wrong.