My question for today

My question for today: after 60 days sober I’m feeling the guilt and shame of doing the most simple things that make me happy. Am I still struggling with self-worth? The self-worth I thought alcohol gave me?


congrats on 60 days! thats awesome!


once we stop numbing out with substance , we start feeling again. its rough for us to process the feeling and very reason we drank! allign yourself with a sober villiage who actually work a program and this too will pass! show your self some grace!


Thanks. Just sharing that has made me feel better.

No honey you don't need back on you better than that. I know it's not easy and who am I here to say something you can do this but your mom and your heart to it and you got this you're so worth it's everything

Congrats on 60 days Nathan.

Don't feel guilty about self-worth/care. Take care of yourself.

You are starting to heal you mind.. one day at a time..!

This one sure hits home as I struggle mightily to forgive myself. I don’t think I ever will. Been in recovery for 2 years now. Still can’t believe I became an alcoholic and caused issues with my friends and family.