My puppy ate my 4th step

I wish I’d have taken more pics. It was pretty impressive. Paper and foam was everywhere.

That’s the dog couch, so I’m not too worried about that part.


Son of a bumblebee!!!

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I was all done with it..

Did your sponsor buy your excuse ? Haha

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I sent him the pic first. He knows my puppy well. Hopefully all will be forgiven

Thank god yes??

This is the most beautiful thing I’ve seen today, maybe ever.

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Oh wow man :unamused:

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He needs to admit to God, himself and another dog the exact nature of his wrongs.


Omg!!! :man_shrugging:t2::grimacing:What kind of dog? Little stinker!


He’s catahoula and pitbull.

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Good luck with that little guy! :rofl:

That looks just like my daughter's! Your buddy is not alone... it's their way of saying what is your problem? Life is not that complicated ...chill. :crazy_face:

Ever that so many times from guys but I always thought it was in excuse, now I see a picture. You has come a long ways if you're doing the inventory. Good job man