My mother recently passed..I'm handling it like I do everything

My mother recently passed..I'm handling it like I do everything.. with the exception of not using .. however this is the hardest thing I've ever been through so I guess what I'm asking for is prayer and any good zoom meeting suggestions I'd greatly appreciate

Thank you


Hi, Michelle. I know how you feel. My dad died 10 years ago today. It still hurts as if it were yesterday. I'll be praying for you.

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Ty..I am amazed honestly I haven't picked up...but the restless urge especially now is still there like it always is..but I know I've come to far and I made a promise to myself and her that I intend to honor..just the pain and rollercoaster ride rn feels overwhelming

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Wow, what an accomplishment. That has to be the hardest. But you’re doing it!!! I’m on day 4. I am starting an AA meeting on Sunday that is on zoom. Happy to share info if interested.

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My condolences. My mom passed when I was just 4 months sober. I’m now almost 3 years! It’s doable. Don’t be surprised with yourself, you’re stronger than you think you are. For me, it’s almost like I HAD to witness her death and feel the grief while being sober. Otherwise I knew it would hurt again and again and again. I mean…actually it does hurt again and again and again. But its like a “meant to be” and peaceful hurt. Not a denial and victimization hurt. If that makes sense?

I am sorry to hear that Michelle

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I was excatly 4 months when it happen..I'm now 4 months and 7 days does make sense ..ty


My sincere condolences Michelle. Life on life’s terms is hard as hell sometimes.

You can do it. You can stay true to yourself and your mom.

I'm praying for you and peace

Im sorry for your loss. I cant even imagine. Sending peace and good energy your waym

I hate that we have to experience loss, and it is even harder when the voice of a bottle chimes in on top of it. I hope you have people around you to help you carry the burden of grief.

I'm sorry for your loss. Prayers sent