My life sucks

My life sucks

Hang in there Freddie, just keep reaching out brother!!!

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Thanks man, maybe I’m too picky with women, but I can’t get laid or find the right one if my life depended on it. Something must be truly undesirable about me

I’ve been separated for almost a year, it’s not easy finding sober women!!!

Somebody found my ex wife years ago. She was the first to get sober. I’m learning from her, “if you can’t beat em, join em” type deal here. I’m only 36. I feel 56

Attractive women period don’t want bald fucks like me

Women like all kinds, it will happen, try not to focus on it too much and just be your self. She’s out there!!!

She may be out there, but she sure as shit won’t want me

Well don’t beat yourself up, and don’t let that lead you down a dark path.


Hi Freddie. The right one will come along. Loneliness sucks. I get it. But don't beat yourself up over this.

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Indeed. Attitude is altitude! :sunglasses:

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Kelly, Whoever I am, buddy, even at my worst, it’s probably better than being you!


Lmao I completed read that wrong assuming there was an L in it somewhere, I was like I don’t think that’s the answer :joy::sweat_smile:

I feel your pain well not literally but I can empathize, it’s been a struggle for me too, this app, tinder, bumble, in person, I’m ass out, got no luck but in due time I’m keep telling myself. Spring/summer is amongst us, so women are still trying to find a way out of cuffing/cuddling season if they aren’t pregnant coming out, so just give them time lol, hot boy summer is on its way!

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How about getting a part time job selling woman shoes.

Hang in there.. strength and wisdom