My last drink of alcohol was 12/18/2020

My last drink of alcohol was 12/18/2020 Available for sponsorship
After my outpatient treatment everything is different
So grateful for my sobriety
I love you all who are struggling with any addiction


That’s awesome!! Keep your recovery first!


Congratulations! My quit day was 12/18/2019. Any day is a great day to start recovery but that one is special to me:) Take care and thanks for sharing.

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Thank you


May I suggest that you focus on your sobriety for now ? It might be more beneficial to sit back in meetings and listen to the "old timers"? Don't rush things.

Congrats on staying sober 4 months. You did through major holidays and the months we tend to suffer depression the most because of lack of sunshine. I'm proud of you.

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I'm inclined to agree with Sarah B on this one, your still pretty fresh into recovery and focusing on yourself may be the best thing right now. There's no need to rush into sponsorship, you got the rest of your life for that! I tried to sponsor people too early last go around for me and that was at 9 months sober, I ended up hurting myself and them in the process


Thank you for the message! I totally needed to hear that. Going through a rough patch

And congrats on your beautiful sobriety! Keep up the good work! The next best right thing!
My sobriety date 11-19-19!

Thank you I needed that today