My kids mom is in n out of jail n

My kids mom is in n out of jail n is currently incarcerated and the kids suffer. It’s very very difficult and I’m struggling to not numb the pain that I feel for my children. I’m lonely at times cuz they stay with there aunt quite a bit because I can’t get them on the bus or off cuz of work. COVID also sucks it’s tough meeting or dating I would like to know if anyone has some alternative ideas about meeting someone. Also does anyone have the problem I currently am dealing with?

Hi David. I can't relate to your current situation. I'm sorry you're going through this.

As far as meeting someone we have a dating section. Or if you're referring to virtual meetings check out

As far as dealing with your pain do you have a therapist to speak with? Is there an after school program they can attend so you can get them after work?

I hate you are going through that. When mom passed dad worked 16hrs a day 6 days a week so we could make it. I remember the stress it put on us and him. I do know this we knew he was doing it for us and he loved us. Make as much time as you can for the kids. I don't know how old they are but they will understand someday. Most importantly, stay sober. They need you.