My first day on the app

This is my first day on this app... how is the sober community here?

Good and glad you are here too. Welcome.

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Thank you. This is a lot to take in. I’m used to Sober Grid but wanted more options. Very confusing lol

Actually it's pretty simple. Lol just don't use. We like to make it complicated.

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I’ve been sober over a year :muscle: But idk it’ll take me a couple days to figure this app out :grimacing:

It can be a little confusing to follow threads, not gonna lie, but this community and this app became part of my daily routine crazy fast.

I’m starting to figure it out! It was so much it looked quite daunting lol I prefer the Sober Grid app for now but maybe in time I’ll use this more.


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You'll find support here. Welcome

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Idk I've also been here for only about 36 hours. Congrats on your year man

yeah I’m figuring it out. I wish they had better “notifications”

stay open minded man. I remember when I first started I didnt think I was like others. Led me to relapse BAD. Then I went to residential treatment and it saved my life. My counselor was appointed to me by God. He made me approach sobriety ready to learn an d understand programs Aren’t always about learning or relating. It’s about action. go to groups, meetings, read etc. everyday to stay sober .