My drinking is out of control

My drinking is out of control, I have lost my friends and I’m currently crying because I feel so alone. My body is sick and I still don’t stop. The guilt is overall unbearable anymore

Hi Lauren.

I promise you’re not alone. This community cares for you; and we can relate.

If your body is sick please go see your MD or go to the emergency room or call 9-1-1. You must make sure nothing serious is going on.

If you’re feeling guilty please reach out to a therapist to help talk you through why you feel the way you do and to help you create a plan to combat the guilt you have.

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The good thing about this, although I know it’s tough to see now, is that you’re aware it’s a problem and that you need to make a change. Now it’s just a matter of making a plan and doing your best to stick to it. I’m rooting for you, you can do this

If we can do it, So can you! This is my promise to you.. If you can stay stopped it will get better!

I needed to hear that Bryan. “Once I took some action to get very honest”...... this is where I fall. I can’t handle the truth! Now I need to if I honestly want to get better!

“I drink because I’m miserable and I’m miserable because I drink”
I used to tell myself that while crying and drinking at the same time. Alcohol only fuels the misery. It’s good you are acknowledging it. It took me getting to that place to finally make a change. You can do it! The drink will always make things worse.

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Drinking will just do more harm. You are not alone