My doc recommended trying kratom

My doc recommended trying kratom to come off coke, anyone have personal experiences?

You need another doctor. Krotom has many of the same effects as illicit opiates. That means it is addictive.

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I took kratom for a few years started out just a little bit a day n before I knew I was taking 500 caps a day n I tried stopping n had a seizure don’t do it coming off it was just like coming off dope n doesn’t nearly get you as high not worth it

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There's really not alot of withdrawal with coke . Abstinence is the best way


No personal experiences, but have heard more negative than positive about it. I would agree to seek out a second opinion if possible.

Coke doesn’t have the same withdrawals as heroin and is safe to detox from. Kratom is better for detoxing off of opiates (if you can’t get Suboxone or methadone) and will block you from getting a similar high when you do take opiates. However, Kratom is also addictive and your body can build a tolerance to it as well as get withdrawals when going cold Turkey.