My Dad died at 9:28 this morning and I'm stuck

My Dad died at 9:28 this morning and I'm stuck

Sorry just seen post my heart goes out to u I lost my dad also

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Oh no what’s going on?!

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I’m so sorry Dawn - please allow yourself to grieve whatever form that is for you. Hang onto the fond memories of your dad, they will be with you forever.

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I’m sorry to hear that Dawn.

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Oh no. I'm sorry. I'm praying for you.

So sorry for your loss. Take time to grieve. Don't let it be left to build under the surface.

My Condolences just know that he’s in a better place than we are sometimes and probably the most important thing to him is for you to be sober and clean and live a happy healthy life my prayers and thoughts are with you if you need to reach out please reach out anytime you feel like you need to

So sorry for your loss. I know how you feel. I lost my wife three years ago and I’m still grieving. But one great thing about it is I’m sober and I can remember everything that we had when we were together. So make sure that you grieve and remember all the good things And bad things they could make you laugh. I do and it helped me.

I am so sorry to hear about your dad. Just be careful. I was clean for 16 months and I watched my favorite sister code and bleed out in front of me February 26th 2018 and someone said to me that evening as I was crying I wouldn't blame you if you had a drink and that's all it took. I'm now 4 days sober and I pray that you keep your guard up as you grieve and relive fond memories

Thank you so much, I stayed home and literally locked myself in the house and prayed and got on zoom

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Thank you so much, and that's what I am grateful for, we both gave love that was clean happy joyous and free

Thank you Ashley

My father passed away yesterday and I was literally stuck

Thank you

I’m so sorry Dawn. Grief can be a real test. Stay strong with your higher power. Let them be your guide through this hard time.

I’m so very sorry for your loss. I can’t imagine how hard this is. Remember your not alone. Get to a meeting if you can

So sorry for your loss, may he rest in peace. :pray:

I'm sorry. :cry: