Mr.Miyagi I was 16 yes old growing up and trying to

I was 16 yes old growing up and trying to figure out life. I had no one to show me the way . The message from my dad was “Your on your own”. The day I met Eddie. I went to a small park in our neighborhood to just kill some time. I sat on the park bench and I noticed this guy was doing some sort of exercises. I watched for a while and then he saw me and waved me over. I was curious so I went over. He asked me my name I told him John Castro. He said how would you like to learn Karate? I thought for a moment and my typical response was sure I’d like to learn how to kick ass. You see Bruce lee was out around that time and I thought he was a bad ass. I soon learned that karate was not about kicking ass. He said ok come tomorrow and I will give you your first lesson and you can bring some friends if you want. I went and told a couple friends that this guy was going to show us how to kick ass. Next day we went to the park and he was there like he said but this time he was sitting on the ground legs crossed and eyes closed. We stood there and nothing. My friend’s asked me what is he doing? I said I don’t know maybe he’s warming up! 5 minutes pass my friends walked away and said thanks for wasting their time. I’m mad now and I said when he opens his eyes I’m going to give him a mouthful. One hour later he opens his eyes and stands up says come here. I walk over ready to say something and he says come back tomorrow and I will give you another lesson (patience). The next couple years we met and trained and even my friends came along. Eddie I believe was strategically placed in my life at that time when my father wasn’t there and a lot of my friends were being taken by the streets, jails and drugs. I believe he saved me from that road. I believe that throughout our lives we have theses teachers and mentors who come in and out of our lives to teach us lesson. They are there for a moment, a season, or a lifetime. I owe much to Eddie and what he taught me about life! Thank God for all the Mister Miyagi’s out there. If you had a mister miyagi maybe it’s your turn? God doesn’t always give us what we want but he gives us what we need. We need these mentors, sponsors and teachers to help us become all that we are meant to be! Stop pushing away these people stop being stubborn and invite them in. John Castro

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Great story man I love it! You weren't trying to hear come back tomorrow for another lesson as a kid but he had enough of an I'm pact for you to show up. That's awesome that he came into your life right when you needed him. Gods timing is impeccable