Moved into a new halfway tonight

Moved into a new halfway tonight. There's literally like 100 guys here. I don't know anybody, it's a little intimidating. My roommate seems like a really nice guy, it's not like a bad situation, but I feel really alone being in a new state and being away from all the people I went through treatment with. I don't even have my cats. Anyway I don't want this to be a pity party, life really is good right now, I'm just kind of stressed out and a little scared.

I don't feel the urge to drink, I'm still working my program, I'm in a safe place, it's going to be okay I think. I'm just having a stressful night. I'm really glad to have you guys and gals to talk to, so thanks. I just needed to get that off my chest.

Time to meditate, pray, journal, and get ready for a brand new day tomorrow :yellow_heart:


I'm glad you are safe and sorry you're feeling uncomfortable and scared to start with. But I think you are right and have the right mindset. Things will get better and feel more natural with time and commitment to your recovery. Starting anything new is difficult so remember to cut yourself some slack if it is ever overwhelming and take a moment to breathe.

I believe in you and you have the strength to stick with your goals no matter the obstacles.

And I'm really sorry about the cats :crying_cat_face:. Not being with a pet is a lot harder than some people think :confused:.

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Hi, Matt. I know how you feel. I was afraid and empty when I moved away from my family. But this too shall pass.

It's good to recognize your feelings. And kudos on speaking good about your roommate; and not allowing your feelings to get the best of you.

Keep working your program.

I'm proud of you.

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Thanks guys, I really appreciate it.

Feeling more comfortable today, I guess I'm getting acclimated. It's not perfect, of course, my roommate snores like crazy for example (it's literally like a new aural sensation, I've never heard anything like it) but everyone seems pretty great around here, it's a nice environment, I think I'll be fine. I just sort of needed to dump my purse out a little bit, it seems like everything is changing so fast.

And yeah Melissa not having my animals stinks. It's a good reminder of how selfish I was in active addiction, that I put myself in this position. They're safe with my folks though, I think things are pretty stable, I'm just… Well I don't know what I am honestly. I feel like I've been shot out of a cannon and I'm trying to figure out where I'm gonna land.

I'm 103 days sober and I'm not gonna drink today, that's enough for now. Thanks again for listening to me :heart: I appreciate you guys

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Hey Matt! Happy to hear you’re opening up to the new house! I felt the same way when I went to treatment……intimidated and stressed. Any new change can do that! However, something that I noticed in your original post is that you’re still staying in the present and meeting yourself where you’re at! That’s super hard to do especially during change! I have a lot of faith you’ll adjust well in your new house. Remember to keep your recovery first and try to make the best of your experience there! Focus on the similarities with your new housemates rather than the differences and try to learn as much as you can from everyone’s else journey through recovery! If you ever need an ear, you know where to find me! Have an awesome and productive weekend! :heart:

Keep being strong man!! Congrats on a new experience!

Thanks Marisa, I appreciate you! I'm definitely trying to stay present and look on the bright side, and honestly it's not like there's any real reason to worry, I just feel kind of lonely and tired being in a new place and having just got out of treatment, a lot of people I went through detox with have already relapsed or stopped answering their phones…

Anyway things are moving in a positive direction, I'm just out of my treatment bubble now and I'm kind of freaked out. I trust my support network and my HP though so I'm just going to keep doing the next right thing :relaxed: I really appreciate you guys