
Who and/or what motivates you to stay sober?

I can never forget the consequences of my decisions while in active addiction. Seeing newcomers and what they are struggling with makes me grateful I don't have to go though that process again (I say that with empathy). And having a purpose. I need a goal to work toward. Sobriety doesn't mean much to me if I am going to simply “exist”.


One of the things that keeps me motivated is the idea that I might be able help someone else. Looking back on what brought me here, I can’t believe that it was just random or for no reason. There’s some higher purpose, even if I can’t see it or understand it. I just hope that able to turn my darkest days into my greatest assets and help others in the same way I was helped

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I am habitually sober

My kids


The feeling of being alive, truly alive & not stuck in some augmented reality.


The practicality of sobriety and truth that follows facing life directly- no longer kicking that trauma can down the road.

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Completely agree. After using for so long, when I finally got sober I felt feelings I forgot existed or maybe never even felt at all. That in itself is worth it. Wasted too much of my life being numb

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Having a job, place to live, a relationship with my family, my physical and mental health, and my freedom from incarceration. All of these things I lost when I was using.