Most of us claim 2020 sucks balls

Most of us claim 2020 sucks balls. What is one thing that you liked about this year. I can name more than dozen from losing unserving friends to reduced partying to financial and health gains and healthy hobbies

It has been a tough year. I lost my grandad in April, and the rest of shutdown has really been a drag. I do agree though that this year does have good in it as well. I have seen friends get married, I moved to a new place that is far better than my last, got a spankin new car, and started working from home before the shutdown hit(which meant i got out of food service after 20 years). All in all it was a decent year.


I am sorry for your loss. I have lost two family members myself. I accepted that they are in a better place. Wish you a happy 2021 brother


The birth of my daughter in September.


There has been a healing in my spirit that I've been wanting for years that I finally got. My HP has provided in so many ways despite the pandemic.

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2020 helped me kick drugs and alcohol, who knows if Iā€™d still be alive if it happened any differently :shushing_face: