Morning all! Took a look at this this morning

Morning all! Took a look at this this morning. The last chip I was able to collect because of Covid.


Amazing :clap:t5::tada:

Congratulations.. What an achievement. How did you do it?

AA meetings, great sponsor and a 12 Step Weekend retreat. I took Step 1 seriously and gave myself a choice. Either stay sober or drink and fail. I know I’ve got a severe allergy and that sucks but I am able to manage it. Day by day and some times hour by hour. I’ve also got a wrist band with the serenity prayer on it I wear.

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:clap:t2::clap:t2::clap:t2: congrats! Can’t wait to get my 18 month chip! Only 17 months to go​:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Heck yeah dude! Thanks for sharing that's a huge encouragement!

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Congratulations!!! We have all had to have virtual coins due to COVID however your time is your time. We will be back to in person meetings soon enough!

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Appreciate it! 2020 was a tough one that’s for certain. Hopped on a Zoom meeting at noon today and there maybe a chance my home group starts live again by May 1st. Fingers crossed!