Mistake :(

made a huge mistake last night - didn’t use but was on my way to go pick up. it didn’t feel right & my car ended up breaking down. it’s like God was looking over me - i still shouldn’t have even tried :(( my disease almost won. feeling so sad & broken hearted today..

Whoa Sami! The good thing is you didn’t use! This sounds like something you’ll be able to look back on as a spiritual experience - an example of your higher power working in your life and doing for you what you are unable to do for yourself.
I think it’s really cool that you said it ‘didnt’t feel right’. I think as you move through sobriety it gets easier to be in tune with the the things that resonate with you, as well as the things that don’t. I wish you all the luck Sami! Stay strong!


thank you so much. it really didn’t feel right & i knew that. it wasn’t meant to be & it’s been a very rough day. but i really appreciate the encouragement & at least i’m still sober. i’m not going to give up


Keyword almost. The important takes are that God looked out for you and you defeated your DOC.


Sami, no shame in an almost. Your car breaking down wouldn't have stopped you in the past, but it did last night, that is a win.


your 100% right & i seriously agree with that.

i thought so too steven :(( but still hurt people. get looked at differently & judged. i hate hurting others. i hate my disease but i never want to let it win & i do feel like at least it didn’t win last night

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See Sam
Times out higher power is fighting for us more then we are don’t beat Yaself up over it be happy that you are still sober count those blessings fix the car amd take
It to church or
Go somewhere that god will
Appreciate what your doing with what he’s given you

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thank you so much jose. that means a lot. i know God was looking out for me last night. i’m just really hurt & have alot of anxiety & depression today. beating myself up over it but came up with a gratitude list & reaching out. so thankful he was watching over me

Glad the car stopped you

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me too, honestly

What others think and feel is none of your business. We cannot hold ourselves responsible for what goes on between their ears.


You got this. Head to a meeting

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literally love this! you da man

i’m going to a fellowship dinner & then meeting!

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Hell yeah. That’s the way!

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Sorry you're feeling sad & broken hearted. You didn't use so almost really doesn't count. It's all part of process. I can understand your horror about what you intended to do. Hang in there.
All the best.

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thank you nicole! that was so sweet of you. i’m really trying today & trying to move forward & just take it minute by minute. that’s all i can do right now

Sami B,
You're welcome! I hope you found some comfort now. Just don't give up on yourself, please. Reach out to me if you need to chat.

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thank you so much, you definitely made me feel much better. this is what i needed. i can’t thank you enough & i definitely will! is there a chat on here? besides just this?