Mine and all the gods I just need a friend

Mine and all the gods I just need a friend rn. I feel like a lame.

You're not lame. What's going on?

I feel like I don't know how to be social now that I'm sober

Its tough. I always felt socialability to easy when I was on a runner, I'd chat up anyone about anything. But in sobriety its a challenge for me. Am I saying something lame? Do people think I"m being weird? All those thoughts run through my head. But you know what? Its ok, because I'm really learning and trying to accept those thoughts for what they are. Just thoughts, and I keep moving forward and gain confidence through that.

Hi friend, im at a crazy job, in a hostel environment, the herd is smaller now, bur you know its all good, the possibilities are abundant.

:heart::heart::heart: thank you so much I needed that reminder stay well and be blessed dude

I hope it all goes well for you

I am with you!

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I totally understand you. My social skills are poor and I always feel weird talkin to people. Im 23 with no friends :confused:


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Oh man I wish I could be 23 again but I can always be your old lady friend LOL

I'll be ur friend

I understand that feeling of thinking about what I’m saying as I’m saying it, and wondering if what I’m saying is lame or awkward. But for me, it’s better than wondering the next morning, WTF did I talk about last night?!