Mind wo

Mind won't turn off


Sleep meditations on the Insight Timer app help me a ton!


You got two options drink… or get on your knees and ask God to have mercy on your tainted soul

I feel you.. some things that happen with guilt or worry or any struggle going on is tough to get out of your head.. I try to watch some funny videos on youtube before bed and say a prayer, or listen to some relaxing music. :grin:

Get up 6-7 o'clock in the morning. Do something positive. Be productive. Keep yourself busy whole day. Evening time relax and don't be excited. Keep doing this every day and you'll fix it :grin::+1:


Melatonin is a great safe way to get to sleep, you can get it anywhere. Just don't pick up whatever you do! That's not a real solution for anything

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Hi Ashley: I am an obsessive thinker myself. When I was in active addiction (using) it was at its worst. Several here have mentioned meditation. I'm a huge fan of meditation, but one must find the method that works for themselves. I'm up to 20 minutes a day, but I started with ONE minute. The Deepak Chopra “STOP” method is easy to use if you are a beginner. It may not happen overnight, but don't give up! Keep practicing. Thanks for sharing.

Write the stuff down on paper, get that stuff out of your head. Once it's on paper. Start doing something about what's on the list.:relaxed:

Just dream about the Eagles getting to the Super Bowl


I know how you feel. I spend time praying when my mind is like that.

I started recovering from alcohol. But I go so far and then I fuck up and I feel bad about what I lost

I have insomnia and always have problems sleeping no matter what I do, and I always make sure I am up by 7am too