Mental Health Wellness

I've created 3 different email addresses. One is for volunteerism and work; another is for bills, and the third is for promotions, i.e., subscriptions to stores.

This helps me a lot because I was overwhelmed with keeping up with important emails while deleting ones that aren't important. I made several mistakes deleting important emails. Now, that my emails are organized I don't have that problem.

What is a small thing you've done to improve your mental health.

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Sounds like a task - that means you have to contact each sender and create new e-mails and check each category separately. Hope it works for you. Direct billing is a nice option also.

I didn't have to contact anyone. Each time I paid a bill I updated to my new e-mail address. Though it sounds tedious in the beginning it saves time overall.

I do something similar. Only mine isn't email. I compartmentalize my brain. I shut off the work part when I am not at work. It allows me to look at that days stress and laugh about any absurdity that occurred.

That’s exactly what I did like you said deleting important messages