Maybe this isn’t the right place for me

Maybe this isn’t the right place for me

Why do you say that?


Hi Eric,
Why do you feel this way if you don't mind me asking.


I’ve only been here for two weeks but how can we help?

Not sure really.
Honestly, I feel like a fake being here. I feel like I should be sober and be able to encourage others. Instead, I had a beer for breakfast.


I'm in your shoes except my drug isn't beer. Hit me up if you want I've felt that way as well but we are in the right place they will support us and encourage us. They are good people.

You belong here. You are not being fake. You can still share what you know. We all have different experiences. Some of have been sober for years, others are starting off, some of us relapse. That doesn't mean we all don't belong here.

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You are here this is what matters weather u have a day and min or no time you are looking for help so let us tell u that ur feeling are valid but ur not alone we all felt fake at one time just have the open mind and willingness to change

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This is exactly where you need to be. Some days you get to encourage others. Some days we encourage you. Sobriety is a team effort for all of us.


I get that. For me, sometimes in the rooms I feel like I need to always have good news to report, even if things are not going well. And I see people further down the road than I am, and rather than be inspired, I feel ashamed that I am not further along (even when they've been in the program for decades and I don't even have a year under my belt).

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Hell you belong cause your being honest! Kuddos! Not one of us are perfect! Stay connected!


The road you are on isn't the road of others. Celebrate each good, whether it be yours or theirs. Look at their milestones as beacons for your journey. They were once where you are.


You are hardly a fake. I’m fighting the urge to go to a pub, have lunch, and a few beers. That’s why I came on today. That way I can fight it off. So don’t think you’re being a fake.

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Thanks for ur honesty Eric ..u are where u need to be ..thanks for sharing dude

Thank you all so much for reaching out to me.
I kinda think I should stick around lol.
Seriously. Thank you