Man it’s only day 2

Man it’s only the 2nd day and I want a cigar and a few glasses of whiskey on the rocks, sit in my office and listen to Stevie Ray on you tube. Instead I’m sitting here pissed off😳 lol wouldn’t be such a problem but I go through a half a bottle a night and wake up at 3 am feeling like crap

I understand.. I was up to at least a pint a night but I’m finishing Day 3 and looking for the morning.. I truly almost slipped today after work, but got angry and busy around the house./ keep on..

Hey boss I have been there many times and so far for me its breakin the cycle that is the biggest pain.
So far my biggest help is taking 10 or 15 minutes for myself when my mind starts runnin away.
Stay with it and you will find a way to stay occupied without being pissed off.