Love Thyself πŸ’•

What do you love most about you?

I love myself more today than I ever imagined I could. Instead of focusing on friendships I don't have I'm working on being a better friend to those in my circle. I don't give up on my dreams.

Tell us what you love most about you!


Why is this such a hard question :confused:

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Human nature. As humans it's easier for us to remember our shortcomings. It's hard for us to accept or remember the good we do. We also throw around the words "prideful" and "arrogant" to those who are vocal of their strengths.

We have to be our own cheerleader. This is why I posed the question.

Though we may not be able to answer right away I want everyone to answer. I want us to state something in addition to overcoming addiction. When we know we have great characteristics we feel better. That's what we need.

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I truly love people

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Most normal people say what’s not to love about me?
Getting better each and every day, living sober, and getting up when we fall has a Lotta love
Life is wonderful in sobrietyοΏΌοΏΌ


My will

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We need more of that.

What exactly about your will?

My drive to be sober. To be the person I envision and am creating. My will to be disciplined. My will to have the right mindset.

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These are great.

Next tattoo F.L.Y.
I love that God made me different for a reason because I was meant to touch and positively affect a different type of community who are more so the same as me.

What does F.L.Y. stand for?

First Love Yourself

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Cool. We gotta love ourselves.

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Trying to

It's hard for sure. It took a lot of practice and prayer for me to love myself. It's crazy because I would love someone else like me. Why don't we forgive ourselves quickly? :sob:

Hi everybody. Great Q&A all of your responses made me smile. Recovery has gifted me with the ability to smile, I love that. Thank you all.

Nothing, working on it

I'm starting to love :sparkling_heart: that I'm finally growing up. My life wasn't controlled by a functional adult before I became sober :roll_eyes:.