Love thyself. ❤️

Loving yourself out of active addiction is one of the most trying processes during recovery! It’s been so long since we’ve been able to “feel the feels” and take a deeper look at our inner being because we tried way too hard to escape it. I encourage you, today, to find 5 qualities you love about yourself. Relish in that; maybe even act on them! Give yourself permission to be totally enveloped in the recovering person you are today! Open yourself up to what truly loving yourself feels like. I promise you’ll be pleased with the results! Namaste. :heart::sunny::crossed_fingers:t4:

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Girl, yes!!!!

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I needed to hear (read) that. Thank u for your post


Great post! I definitely need to work more on this. I'm trying though.

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Great post. I struggle with this for sure. Thanks for the encouragement


One of my daily affirmations is, “I am full of positive loving energy". I reminds me I have the power to be happy. Thank you for this post! I've been thinking about it today😊

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so glad you all could benefit from this post! :heart: Love the energy!

Keep trying!! You’re worth the effort!

i love that affirmation!! Thank you for sharing that! Such a good way to start the day!