Love how you're supposed to fix shit from your past

Love how you're supposed to fix shit from your past. What happens when your past hasn't been bad and you don't know what you're supposed to fix?


Then you have a relatively small 4th step. Don’t beat yourself up for not being as bad as others. Don’t compare yourself to others at all really.

For me once I determined what decisions and motivations came from fear and control, my 4th step wrote itself. My pattern was to attempt to manipulate people into behaving in my best interest and then resenting them for not doing so. The pattern became so obvious that I could reflect back to junior high and see it clear as day.

I'm not doing the whole 12 step thing, so I'm not totally sure what step 4 is...just been told by several in this group that you have to fix things. I absolutely suck at self reflection and thinking abt why I do this or that. Guess I should get over it and try :confused:

12 step program is for people who have tried everything else they could possibly think of to stop and nothing worked.

Not at all. But im also not convinced I have given it 100% effort. I've def cut back successfully. But no quit

So I drank like a fucking fish in college, then just quit a year...then did it again in usmc...then quit for 11 yrs...I thought welll that's just what you do in those places. But now I'm a regular person at 36 and this is NOT just what you do. So maybe those were addictive behaviors where relapses were forced by pregnancy. But now....knowing what I k ow now kinda thing ig

I relapsed over and over until I got a sponsor and went through the steps. I hope you find peace.

I would just go with drinking is really hard on your body for the long haul.