Lost to Addiction

A friend of mine lost a relative to addiction this past weekend. This was a reminder to me to be kind because I don't know what someone else is going through, this could be me, and to continue to support and fight for those struggling. Life is just a vapor. Here now, gone in a few seconds.

My heart hurts more when someone dies from addiction. I'm not sure why that hurts more than if a life was lost to something else. Does that make me insensitive?


Amanda...I am sorry to hear your loss! Death, grief...I am too familiar with those feelings/emotions. My brother passed away in 2018 due to heart failure. I drank and numbed those feelings until November 24th, 2019, which also happens to be his birthday. My sis just passed away February 21, 2021. She died from alcohol and drugs...OD. I can relate to what you are saying. I loved both of my siblings very much! You are not insensitive! I am more sensitive to my sister's death than my brothers because, I was sober...so I could process and feel the pain, but because I couldn't "save" her...that is why my heart breaks :broken_heart: so much more for the addict. I'm living, alive! It hurts me so much because I am an addict and I know if I pick up one more time...I will be the addict 6 feet under. It is totally relatable to me, therefore, deaths of addicts are more personal to the heart. It is a reminder...my sis was my reminder and I am staying sober in honor of her, but also for myself! I hope this helped! Please reach out anytime! :heart:

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I don’t think it makes you insensitive. Addiction on its own is sad. Since we are on this side of things we can see clearly that what we all need is help, kindness, and love. To see someone lost because they never quite found a way passed the bad stuff is heart breaking. At least that’s my view. I hope your heavy heart lightens soon :heart:

That’s too bad Amanda I am sorry to hear that. Technically any amount of consideration isn’t insensitive. Tragedies tend to have that feeling around them.

Hope you feel better

I know how you feel. I often feel guilty because I didn't/couldn't "save" my dad. He died in a car accident [drunk] nearly 10 years. I hate he's gone. I hate that there's nothing I could do to bring him back. Even more- I hate that my dad died drunk.

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Thanks Rai. :two_hearts:

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Thank you.

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I think the worst part of an od or alcohol related death is it was entirely preventable. Not saying anyone dropped the ball, or that someone is at fault, but every addiction related death could have been avoided. That though makes it suck worse.

An employee came to me today to talk about her daughter. Her daughter who is an addict. Her daughter who refuses treatment. Her daughter who does whatever drugs she can get. Her daughter who has lost custody to 2 children. She showed me a before and after pic, as it were. The after pic is when cops picked her up shooting up behind a dumpster. The before pic is a girl with hopes and dreams. I fear the after pic is headed for a morgue.

I am so sorry for your loss Amanda, and everyone who has lost people to addiction. And I saw a mom cry out of love, frustration and hopelessness today. Awful

Guilt. That's the part I'm working thru. I was told, we are only in control of our own actions....it's my responsibility. What everyone else chooses, is their free will. That is a hard one, I'm so very sorry for your loss! The only comfort I have found...is trying to have a relationship with my spirit siblings. It sounds weird, but it helps, like they are around me in one form or another. That anger, resentment... I hated that my sis overdosed, then I hated myself for not being able to be there for her.

It hits home for you more because you understand addiction in a way others don't. That's all, no worries. I am so sorry for you and your friend's loss. It's an unfortunate reality in the world we live in. And certainly a reason for us to stay sober.

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I hate that this mom is growing through this. I'm glad she had you to help her today.

I know we're only responsible for our actions- but it's just hard. I hate it. As days go by I can deal with it better. I hurt because there are many in the world who knows my grief; and I don't like that neither.

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It does suck.

Like, I hate addiction. People turn to it to cope with hurt. They feel unloved, unimportant, inadequate, etc. The drug takes so much from them. Then, they die due a DOC related disease. That's heartbreaking and I hate it. I wish I could eliminate addiction. I really do.

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I'm staying sober for sure. I don't want that to be me. I definitely don't want my family to experience that kind of grief.

I just don't- but addiction has been under my skin more lately than usual.

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I get ya chick! I think talking about it helps, so thank you! :heart::heart::heart:


You're welcome.

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I'm sorry Amanda, about your dad. This just hit home. (((Hugs)))

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You are going up against spiritual warfare with your brother, for sure. Praying for you.

I'm sorry Kristopher. Don't let anyone rain on your parade.