Lost the last elder member of my mom's family

Lost the last elder member of my mom's family and I'm with a narcissistic, if he spent time defending my character instead of being hell bent on me bn horrible maybe I could deal

Sorry that you have to go through that, I had a gal that had the narcissistic trate, traded her in for the first hot alcoholic mess that crossed my path,and that one passed last summer, think my pickers broke, neither were good for me but the second one had a personality for sober then a different personality for drunk,either way ifelt better just having someone, the narcissistic could be down right crule and nasty, very mouthy..

If that person gleens on and removes your personal items there is a different type of name for them, narcissistic that dose not steel from you is just that a self absorbed could care less about your feelings.

Hi Leandrea. I'm sorry about your loss and the fact you weren't supported by a member of your family.

I know it's easier said than done-but we can't focus on the bad others say about us. It's important that we work on our flaws. Don't be weary in the process. What can you learn from this? Focus on that.