Loss of family takes a toll on people. 19 Nov

Loss of family takes a toll on people. 19 Nov 2020 I lost my mother, she stopped eating in October, that was the last thing she had control over during the forced isolation. 14 Feb 2021 I lost my grandson, he hanged himself in his college dorm room because of the isolation. We buried my grandson 12 Mar 2021 and I have not slept more than 15-20 minutes a night since. If I have replied inappropriately to anyone's posts I hereby apologize. My brain ain't in a very good space and wind therapy on the Harley isn't sorting it out yet. I'll get there, one day at a time, but it would be nice if the days had breaks between them. In need of rest.

I am sorry you are going through this hard season. I will be praying for you.

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Thank you. It is what it is, up to me to deal with it in a healthier manner.

Sorry for your losses. :pray:

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Wow, that’s a lot for a person to deal with. I’m so sorry for all of those devastating losses.. hoping you are able to find some peace and comfort in your memories of your loved ones 🥲🙏


My condolences to you and your family.

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Wow Greg. I am at a loss for words. My condolences to you and your family.

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:pray: :pray:

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I truly appreciate the thoughts and prayers, thank you.