Lord I’m moody - Day two journey starting again snd

Lord I’m moody - Day two journey starting again snd don’t feel as excited as when I started 2 months ago prior to me failing. Maybe I’m still disappointed, mad at the world when really mad at myself. Just have a crappy attitude and hating people. Maybe that’s me pushing people away because I feel so disappointed in myself. Trying to breathe and remember in time I will get that happy feeling again just if i can quit screwing it up!


I'm on day 3 after 6 months sober. I kinda know how you feel :roll_eyes:


Serenity is what we get when we stop hoping for a better past.

Don't beat yourself up about a slip. Most of us have had them. Don't drink, don't think, and get to a meeting if you can. :grin:


Slipping up means you succeeded for a while and are making progress on your recovery journey. When I screw up and then start back on my sober path i am reminded that I don't want to go keep going through those first several days of sobriety anxiety and discomfort again. Every day sober is a win on your score card. I make notes on a calendar for every day sober (and days that I slip). I have also starting tracking what days I attend a meeting so I can see what works best over time. Seeing the progress and then marking the bad days gives me a visual reinforcement of my journey. I don't like seeing the bad days and love marking off every day where I succeed! Stay with it! You are in good company and we understand.


That’s actually cool - never heard that serenity is what we get when we stop hoping for a better past! This helped! Thank you :pray:


Welcome JD! Congrats on 2 days! Give yourself a break! You’re doing something that is so profound that it requires patience, perseverance and self compassion.
For me it was very tough in the beginning. AA, NA, life ring and Recovery Dharma are the some of the meetings I attended earlier on. The reason why I mentioned these is this is what it took for me to see and feel what being “open minded” means. I’m very interested in what others are doing in there sobriety and what is out there for recovery! Also, I volunteer at the local food bank and love to share my story and journey with others on this beautiful App.
The serenity prayer :pray: is beautiful prayer. It helps ground me in times of uncertainty. I recommend getting and writing down the whole prayer in the first page of your journal. Then start a gratitude list everyday in that journal. Write down what’s on your mind each morning. As I did this I’m now able to go back and see just how much progress I’ve made. It’s awesome and amazing how, with a few new sobriety tools, I can rewire my :brain: to think differently. And that’s what I focused on early sobriety. How to rewire my brain. How to think differently. Eat healthy and exercise.
If you have any questions please feel free to ask. I’m here, I’m here.
Have a wonderful day filled love and peace within!
PS find your God of your understanding. I had to dig deep and I found my God. God is love…..

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Hey, JD. Those moody moments are no joke. :tired_face: That was so me before getting sober and the first few months. Just take it 1 day at a time and know it gets better.

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Thanks Kevin - yeah I found myself doing negative thinking and this just zaps my soul. I was pushing people away when truly I’m a caring person. I made myself go to yoga and for a walk lastnight and glad I did. Today I’m going to do some hiking to exert this energy in a healthy way. And before I jump on a zoom meeting I’m going to start a journal of gratitude and write that serenity prayer! So thank you for the suggestion! I’ll take anything!


Wow! Welcome JD that makes me smile! I’m glad I could help. You’re doing the next best right thing. Keep up the good work. Remember when the road gets bumpy it’s temporary and will smooth out when we keep working our program.
Have a blessed day filled love and happiness.

No one likes to feel like they’ve failed. I’ve been there with falling off with sobriety, messing up and living with the guilt all over again. It’s helpful for me to question why I wanna drink and ask if I want to feel guilty about it. It’s not easy, especially when everyone else is drinking. But I find solace in my strength each day that I can maintain sobriety. Push on my friend, this will pass.