Loosid's Daily Sober Tip - June 29

A life run on self-will is doomed to fail.

Much of recovery has to do with taking us away from self-will and turning it over to a power greater than ourselves.

It is very important to note that it is not tied to any religion or devotion. It is 100% spiritual, and the higher power is whatever you want it to be, so long as it is not us.

To some, we turn our will over to this higher power who we may choose to call God. For others, who may be atheist or agnostic, we often turn our power over to our sober peers. In this case our God is Group-Of-Drunks. Another thing we may want to do is add an “o” to God. When we are agitated, pause and think, what is the G-oo-d thing to do?

We can also look at it as Gift Of Dignity or Good Orderly Direction.

The most important thing to know that the answers will not come from us at it is our thinking that got us into trouble in the first place.

Just for today, choose to free yourself from the bondage of self and ask whatever or whoever your higher power is to direct your thoughts as to the next right thing to do.

How did this tip resonate with you? Let us know your thoughts below. There are many people in the Loosid community who need to hear what you have to say.

With Love, Loosid :heart::pray:


Great read..
God is there! we need to turn to him for strength..


Love this. I pray daily and often that God will restore my heart, mind and soul. I cannot survive without a higher power

I have all the evidence I need, the jury is out. If I really think I am going to continue to do this myself, my own way, and without the help of someone or others or whatever you want to call a Higher Power… Then I may as well start picking out my coffin.

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Great, this is something I needed to read today

I needed this

Made so much needed sense.

I feel the need to establish a stronger connection with my higher power.

Beautifully said. I prayed this morning for strength from God to not drink alcohol just for today. I feel the power from my higher power because it has been proven over and over again by my "self that I cannot do it alone

That’s been my problem in the past self will I have always wanted to drive the bus! This time I’m ready to be the passenger thank GOD it’s my turn to just watch the scenery