
How has Loosid helped you in your recovery/sobriety?

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Gives me a place to turn to at any hour

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Just nice to have this at my fingertips anytime and anywhere

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A good reminder that after 26 years sober, I can still never take my sobriety for granted.

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Just hearing from other people helps me feel not so alone in my struggle. Thank you

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Well well Amanda! :joy:
Great question Aguado! (Ace Ventura quotes)
Loosid has helped me by helping others. It allows me to give back what’s been freely given to me. I’m able to reach out when I’m stuck or need some support. To listen to others and what’s triggering them and to give what little I know in return.
Plus since I’m not able to get to a meeting all the time so I consider this a big part of my recovery program.
Thank you Loosid! This App is blissfully beautiful!
And thank you Amanda for your kindness and support! You are a beautiful and blessed :innocent: keep up the good work.