Loosid Sober Tip of the Day May 4

The last 3 days we have given ourselves the gift of more time. On Day 1, we focused on being aware of the time we have been gifted simply by removing the alcohol and substances standing in our way.

On day 2, we were gifted with still more time as we became aware of the countless hours which were stolen from us when our minds went to regret… into a past we could not change.

On day 3, we were gifted still more time as we became aware of the additional countless hours which were stolen when our minds went to fear and worry… into a future that has not even happened.

Today, focus on being completely present. Feel your feet on the ground. Focus on the beauty of your breath. Feel the air nourish your body as you breath in. Feel the anxiety and negative thoughts wash away with your exhale.

Be mindful of everything you do today. The opposite of mindfulness is mindlessness. So many of us go through the day in automatic pilot and often forget what we did.

Make everything you do with complete mindfulness. Make your coffee with mindfulness. Be mindful when you get dressed for the day. Be grateful and present with the ability to put on fresh clothes.

In our active addiction, we put substances in our body to get out of the now… and so we lost time. That lost time we will never get back. Be done with it. It’s OK. Never regret the past. It is wasted energy. That’s not you today. Today, is a new day.

Experience everything. Are there birds chirping outside your window? If you are outside, what do you see? Are the trees blossoming?

For most of us, we never lived in the present. When you live in the present, things slow down and have more meaning.

Relax and enjoy your day. You are clear now. You are facing life on life’s terms. The sober you is beautiful.

How did this tip resonate with you? Let us know your thoughts below. There are many people in the Loosid community who need to hear what you have to say.

With Love, Loosid :pray::heart:


I’m comforted by this post, I always played catch up, it’s nice to give myself permission to be in the moment. In addition to living in the moment and breathing in the good and exhaling the bad, today i plan to be cigarette free


Mindfulness... definitely need to get better at this. I found myself running around yesterday afternoon in a manic state not knowing which task to complete first or how many tasks can I fit in and worse trying to please everyone. My anxiety went into overdrive, frustration hit the fan the afternoon was spiraling out of control. What I’m the hell happened I asked myself - the morning was awesome two zoom meetings, simple tasks done then wham trying to please everyone, doing too much almost made a great start of day end in bad way. So I stopped my car, breathed and sat for five minutes looking over magazine and began again. Went to yoga and phrase kept screaming “keep it simple” -

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This speaks gratitude to me. I can hear the birds chirp. I can see them. I heard the rain pouring this morning. I’m in my right mind. I get to connect with God today. This is why I am grateful. I’m better today than I was yesterday.



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Mindfulness and meditation are such wonderful practices. Deep breathing exercises are as effective as a nap.

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Thank you for this

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Somebody give this writer an award. :clap:t6::trophy: I struggle at times with mindfulness especially when certain dates trigger me from last year & other life traumas, I get a foggy brain easily & my thoughts begin to roam in every which direction and on everything, I’ve been spiritually working on reaching out to my past ancestors to help heal me & calm my mind, body, heart & soul & hopefully with high faith & belief & DBT classes I can move forward in each moment as it is.

I love this message. It calms me and brings me to a place of peace...of living in the moment. :two_hearts:

Love this

This is so true!! The feelings I just got from this message... wow!! I’m loving it and knowing I can feel n taste n hear all these things is amazing !!! These tips really just helped me to want to continue to stay sober!!!

My connection to the lord today was amazing as well!! This is gratitude to me