Loosid Sober Tip of the Day May 3

If you have read or participated in the sober tips over the past few days, you should be feeling very uplifted as you have been gifted a tremendous amount of new time that you never had before.

Today, let’s add to that time.

The future.

So many of us spend our lives worrying about the future.

We wonder if we will get that new job or promotion.

We wonder if we will find that new partner. We wonder if our current partner will stay. We wonder if we will be able to afford that trip we have wanted to take, or the ‘things’ we want to get. The list is very long.

If we can be honest, for many of us, we don’t wonder, we ‘worry’

Whatever it is, wonder or worry, we are wasting precious time and energy. Thousands of hours of wonder and worry.

Worrying about the future is a complete thief of our time and robs us of precious hours that can be spent doing what is right in front of us. It is often called fear.

There are many ways to resolve this. There are many books and spiritual practices that can help us to live in the present. A daily meditation is one such gift that many of us use as a tool to not get too far ahead of ourselves.

What you need to know is the vast majority of what we fear, never materializes.

There is an acronym that helps remind us of this. False Evidence Appearing Real. It is often explained in many spiritual texts that the future doesn’t exist. There is just now… and then the next now.

In 12-step programs, fear is dealt with in the 4th and 5th step.

Choose to add more time today by taking away your endless worry about the future.

If you have experience in meditation or spiritual work, or texts that have helped with worry and fear, share with the community below what you do that has helped free you from worry.

If find yourself in fear, share with the community below and connect with others who may be experiencing the same thing.

The only way we get better is to ask for help.

The only way to stay sober is to give it.

With Love, Loosid :pray::heart:

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I've been told that have fear is a form of faith. Ever since I've heard it broken down like that I've lived my best to avoid fear. After all, fear does nothing for me.


Well said​:pray:t3::pray:t3::pray:t3:

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I needed this

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This made my day

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I recently heard someone say that if you can worry, you can meditate, so it makes sense that meditation would be a good antidote for worry.

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I needed this SOOO MUCH Today. Thank you

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Is there a way we print all of these out?

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I love this app! I just learned about it. It is very helpful tool

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If you're comfortable send me your email address and I'll send them to you so you can print them.

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You could try & screen shot maybe the whole page or if not sections, send to email or even just a printer depending on your phone.

I find myself googling how to rid myself of self-doubt often & even one of my pictures has that F.E.A.R acronym, the amygdala part that creates much including fear can consume us, (for me) because I know not everybody is religiously spiritual, but Hope•Faith•Love can help in an abundance & for I can do all things through my lord & savior who strengthens me has helped me overcome a lot of obstacles including the fear of never being able to get sober but yet hear I am.

Well said. I live by the philosophy of, if I can change it fix it don't worry about. If I can't change it worry won't fix it either so do bother. If it is beyond my control then it should.be beyond my worry. Take each hurdle as it comes. As the old saying goes, worry is borrowing trouble from tomorrow for today and I got enough on my plate for today.

I love this. Fear as a form of faith. Faith that no good will come of a situation, perhaps?