Loosid Sober Tip of the Day May 24

When we look for the good in others, we discover the best in ourselves.

This quote, by Martin Walsh, is one of the most important aspects of living a life of emotional sobriety.

It is very easy to see the fault in others. Finding the good in others requires us to completely remove ourselves from the equation and look at the other person from an objective viewpoint.

When we are born, we operate with no faults, bad intentions, or hidden motivations.

There is no greed or jealousy. We have not been told how we should act nor how others should not act.

Everything we think we know has been taught to us by experience from either what we have heard or seen.

Just for today, remove yourself from the equation and look at the person or persons you currently resent.

Find the good in them. Try to understand why they may act the way they act and do what they do. So much of what we do is done from fear, insecurity and lack of self-esteem.

Remember, everyone started in the same place. Concentrate on the good in those people today.

How did this tip resonate with you? Let us know your thoughts below. There are many people in the Loosid community who need to hear what you have to say.

With Love, Loosid :pray::heart:


I hear a bit of fourth step in that. Also, I realize that I am no better than anyone else. I suffer from the same human condition, therefore it's not hard to have empathy when I realize I am just like the next guy. I will treat everyone how I would like to be treated in return.

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Seeing the good in people, giving people the benefit of good intentions is fine and well. However, that has caused me more problems in my life than I ever imagined. I believed and lived by the Golden rule. Again, caused me nothing buy hurt and pain. I NEVER thought of myself better than anyone else. NEVER.
I pray for people and help only when asked. And even then, I do it with caution. I know we all have good in us.

It says everyone started in the same place. We will also all end the same too. This brings to mind a quote from the Buddha; “You too shall pass away, knowing this, how can we quarrel.” It is hard but we all just want peace for ourselves and the ones we love. Conditioning is one of the hardest things to break, especially for me. I am still trying to forgive myself for my past every single day. I hope it will get better and I can completely let go of my self resent.

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We're all human. That means we all have faults. Though our faults are different we are all equal.

When I asked God to help me see people for their strengths, I saw amazing people. I gained friendships I thought I would never have. People trust and depend on me. I like that. It's better than walking around being negative and being bitter because of someone's shortcomings.

From my experience This is the fastest way to heal. It’s really a blessing to find the opportunity to share love and joy. Just to smile is a privilege. I’m committed to seeing the good in everyone I meet to be apart of the uplifting instead of the destruction of those I get to meet.

Lol :joy: your not alone there. I’m going to try that app!

Gosh sometimes we forget that people are facing themselves as well as the world :broken_heart:. I pray that you heal and ask God to help you accept the blood :drop_of_blood:of His son because God already forgives you. I struggle with guilt daily but as time goes on I catch those I hate myself and self cruelty to self love comfort empathy and gentle kindness as if protecting my inner child because God wants so much for us to join Him in His rest and peace :peace_symbol: :innocent:.

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