Loosid Sober Tip of the Day May 23

How do we get back our self-esteem?

This is a very common question with a very simple answer.

In our active addiction, self-esteem is one of the first things to go. How do we gain back our self-esteem? By doing esteemable acts.

Focus each day to doing an esteemable act. Reach out to a friend who you know is struggling and simply let them know you are thinking about them and they are not alone.

Go up to a homeless person an offer to buy them a cup of coffee or sandwich if you can afford it.

Ask the cashier at the store their name. Wish them a great day.

We tend to severely underestimate the power of simply recognizing a person and acknowledging them as an equal. Why? Because we are all equal.

Little acts of self-esteem will build momentum. Before you know it, you will be beaming with self-esteem.

How did this tip resonate with you? What are 3 esteemable acts you can do today?

Let us know your thoughts below. There are many people in the Loosid community who need to hear what you have to say.

With Love, Loosid :pray::heart:


When I 1st got sober I’d go bed repeating I’m going to have a good day tomorrow I thought In negative so long I did that for probably 18 months I wake up thinking what today a blessing is that was over 38 years ago it’s been one hell of a trip


Today I checked in on a friend who is going through a break up and gave a homeless man the last $2 in my wallet. Next Im going to get our RV ready for my fiancée to take the kids on vacation for Memorial Day weekend. That way he won’t have to get it ready.

So true. Resonated loudly

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God just bless me with consistency and strength. This here is so true I can work so hard for months building my self esteem exercising, eating right, volunteering, supporting friends and family, learning new things and becoming positive with affirmations just to throw it all away in a matter of days in addiction. Why is it that when I accomplish new heights I want to be rewarded with things I have no control over. I pray that I become humble enough to overlook my accomplishments until I can find a healthy and ‘unlofty’ reward. I pray that my pleasure sensors heal so that I can enjoy the simple things in life like I have before.

Go John! Making moves and putting the steps we learn in action. Anxiety is fear and greater is he in you than he that is in the world. Take courage my friend :sparkling_heart::hugs:

Thanks for sharing that I can’t even imagine how blessed I’d be if I can make it where you are :pray: thanks for sharing :hugs:

I make an effort every day to compliment at least one person! Tell them u like their hair, ask where they got it done...comment on so.ething unique about the clothes, mask, or jacket someone is wearing. Make a cute statement about it. If it's someone wearing the opposite sports team you root for-- razz em-- in a fun, playful way. No matter what you do, it starts a conversation, let's that person feel that they're not invisible. That they matter. That were all human! Be sure to end with wishing that person a great day--if a holiday, be sure to add that on (ex: have a great Mother's Day!; or Hope u enjoy the weather this Father's Day--be sure to relax-- you've ep

Oops, ending was suppose to say: you've earned it". Any way u can add a little extra to wishing that person a great day! Be it a cashier, sandwich maker, batista, gas station attendant, even a stranger on the street. Have a great day y'all

Long Island