Loosid Sober Tip of the Day May 18

Listing our challenges and the opportunities to address those challenges leads to a life of infinite growth.

{If you haven't read the last two days of tips, take the opportunity now, to go back and review them for a moment.}

Now that we have addressed 5 challenges and 5 opportunities, turn your thoughts to what will happen when you take action on the opportunities you have listed?

What would solving each challenge look like to you?
For most of us, it will mean FREEDOM.

When we list our challenges and address the opportunities, we feel like a heavy weight has been lifted from our shoulders.

What do we do now?

Well, if we have listed 5 and there are more… keep going.

When do we stop? … until the weight is completely lifted.

We will notice that challenges come up each and every day. This simply means when they come up, we address them right away. This way, the weight is never too heavy and if it is heavy, it is released quickly.

Many of us may be a bit stuck on how to address these challenges. This is where we need to lean on people who have already embarked on this journey.

Remember, this is a WE program.

Many of the challenges may involve dealing with other people we have harmed or have harmed us. We need guidance.

Where challenges arise that you cannot figure out the opportunity, leave it alone until tomorrow.

Tomorrow we will discuss how we can connect with like-minded others who can help us.

Be sure to again, congratulate yourself today to taking the time to focus on the solution and further your growth. You deserve it.

How did this tip resonate with you? Do you have a support network, a mentor or a sponsor who helps you? Are you confused as to where to begin? Post your comment below. There are many people in the Loosid community who need to hear what you have to say.

With Love, Loosid :pray::heart:

In my program, I practice the 10th step everyday. It's automatic to continue to take personal inventory of myself. What do I need to work on. Where am I making progress. When it comes to the former, I see negatives as learning oppotunities. With the latter, I see things to be proud (not prideful) of. The more I do this, the more I realize that the real me is way more awesome than what I ever pretended to be.


I need to improve my Excel skills. I purchased a self-paced course. Win-Win for me.