Loosid Sober Tip of the Day May 15



This acronym is extremely important as it provides very strong insight into addiction as well as recovery.

In our active addiction, we are selfish and self-centered. We put ourselves first because we are focused on our drug of choice and we don’t have time to think of anyone else.

When many of us enter recovery, we still believe we can work our own program, despite the fact that it was our program that got us into trouble in the first place

The program of recovery is not an I program but a WE program.

In 12-step programs, another common acronym is ‘I Sponsor Myself’.

This is built on the same thinking.

Whatever program we are working, it is critical to understand that we do not get sober by ourselves.

The recovery program works by identifying with others and understanding that we are not alone and there are people who share our common bond.

This bond creates unity and in unity there is strength.

By ourselves, we have no power over addiction. It is through working with others and turning to a power greater than us that we are able to get better.

Whether that power is God, or the fellowship around us, does not matter.

Alone, we are powerless. Together, there is nothing we can’t accomplish.

How did this tip resonate with you? If you have questions, ASK. If you have experience, share it. Let us know your thoughts below. There are many people in the Loosid community who need to hear what you have to say.

With Love, Loosid :pray::heart:


In the past I was not connecting with others, not open to have a sponsor, not fully committed to work the steps - “the program”. It was more of a work, pressure and unhappy journey which led me right back to my comfortable coping skills of drinking. I am now connecting with others by being part of this app - and to my surprise it helps! I still need to get sponsor and work the steps


Can relate

Well put, I find that a self centered life is most lonely and mostly truly self-destructive.

I'm one week out of rehab and only attended zoom meetings so far. I haven't really read my big book since I was in treatment, where I was super motivated, being back home just hits differently. I want to set some goals to help me stay on top of the 12 steps, but I'm really ADHD and off my meds because I haven't had 30 days sobriety yet to determine my baseline (docs words, not mine). Motivation is hard to come by, I would say that's been my biggest hurdle so far if I'm being honest.